Page name: Taking over the World 101 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2004-11-11 19:27:29
Last author: Davorah
Owner: Sundrop
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Taking over the World 101

World Domination in many many many easy steps!
by [Sundrop] and [WackyCaptain]

Teaching you how to become the villain of your dreams!

Note: We are not responsible for any actions taken by anyone using these helpful tips and tricks when deciding to take over the world.

Think of the greats: The Joker, Dr. Evil, Mojojojo, Pinky and the Brain, Cat Woman, Richard Simmons, and... shudder Martha Stewart...

We know these evil villains, and as an evil villain trainee, you can learn from them. Watch them closely if you see them on television so you can learn from their mistakes.

Wait-a-minute-wait-a-minute! Don't go anywhere before you read Our Wiki Rules.

6-23-04: In honor of my Birthday...I updated this page! :o
6-7-04: Started major renovation of Wiki! Check out the tidy-ness of it all! Now we just need some awesome graphics! *hint hint to all artists out there*

The Classifieds
by [Sundrop]
I'm looking for a permanent artist to help out the wiki and get up some graphics!

List of Evil-ness: Join by adding yourself to the list!

[Eugenidies] took the liberty of creating a banner without being asked! (And it's much better than the one I made XD) So now it is the official Taking of the World 101 Wiki's banner!

The Basics-
Becoming an Evil Villain

by [Sundrop]

Techniques and Tips
by [Sundrop]

Ha, ha, ha, ha, Stayin' Alive! (For the first sequel, anyway.)
by [WackyCaptain]

Weird Science or: Zen and the Art of Mind Control
by [WackyCaptain]

Step by Step: Sundrop's Latest Plot
by [Sundrop]

Spotlight of Total Domination
by [WackyCaptain]

Username (or number or email):


[Therian]: What, no Maleficent? She was kick-ass. Stupid prince. Or stupid little kid with a big key, in Kingdom Hearts. -_-

[Quazi]: How do I join!! World domination WILL BE MINE!!

[kokopelli]: There's a book at Borders titled "How to be a Villan" ... It's a very good read... It would help this page quite a bit...

[kokopelli]: Btw... If I get bored enough, I'll probably fix your spelling... one of these days...

[deranged-bugosh]: ya know, Stewy from the family guy is the khewlest being ever when it comes to taking over the world. I believe that he WILL one day dominate everyone! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

[Sundrop]: Thanks everyone! Quazi, you can join just by adding yourself to the list of "Current Evil Trainees..ect" :); lol kokopelli, thanks, I've never been much of a speller, so I've pretty much given up trying to edit my typing, thanks for the information about the book! I'll try and swing by the Borders near my house to look for it; mwhahahahaha!, Stewy probably will, never know... ;)

[Keltic_Princess]: I'd really love to take over the world n' all, but I can't find the traditional "click here to join" button. A little help would be nice.

[WackyCaptain]: Keltic Princess, I'm not thinkin' we've got one of them new-fangled buttons. But, if you want to join, you can just click on the 'edit this page' button and add yourself to the domination hopefuls list. Have fun, good buddy!

[DarkJenni]: i would love to take over the world myself...yes i need help too!

[Sundrop]: lol Dark_Maiden, you're more than welcome to join. However, I haven't had much time to improve the site currently because of school and lack of resources.

[polaroid of purity]: So how exactly are we planning world domination? Dose it have anything to do with chocolate and chainsaws, by any chance?

[SAHS]: Oooh, that sounds good! Chocolate and chainsaws, the best of evil's creations!

[Sundrop]: lol! With all my school work, I really haven't gotten to do much lately with the wiki. However, this week-end, I may try to throw some more stuff together and sort through the articles. :) If you edit anything on the wiki, please write what you did (and the date) in the update box at the top, that way any updates are easily recognized.

[kokopelli]: But I don't want to be a lackey!!! Lackeys cringe. I would much rather be a henchman, or maybe a minion...

[Cati Stormweaver]: my friends say im evil, but i want to learn to be meaner!

[Sundrop]: lol! Well, you're more than welcom to join Cati, you can be a minion if you like kokopelli, lol, you're own special title... ;) not much difference execpt the intelligence. ...I need to write an article about that

[SAHS]: Haha... I love the articles here! All so humorous and serious at the same time. ^-^

[JinXFoX]: Dude i have minion i want to join! (has a sign full of screen names and email address of people who wanted to help her take over world)so if you need a minon i have a few i can spare.

[puffcat]: i want to be a minoin!and an onion!and a cat!

[Lenne]: A good way to take over the world would be to give everyone cookies dosed with mind-control potion. No one can resist cookies. *Offers everyone cookies* ^___^

[Lenne]: Hmm, apparently the page is getting too big, ya need to divide it up... *offers assistance... in an evil kinda way*

[frlfclover]: I want to join! How do i join?

[Lenne]: Add your name to the list of current evil lackeys, trainees, etc

[Knightofthelight]: Dude!!! Where's the Machiavelli???

[The Scarlet Pumpernickle]: Hey do we have to start small? Can't we just start tryin to take over the world?

[Knightofthelight]: To start you need Machiavelli!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[The Scarlet Pumpernickle]: What on earth, sorry, in this universe is machiavelli?

[Knightofthelight]: Machiavelli is a person who wrote 'The Prince', that is a book you need to read in order to take over the world.

[The Scarlet Pumpernickle]: Ah.. gotcha

[WackyCaptain]: Machiavelli has no power here! He was an advisor, never a ruler, and 'The Prince' is useful. WHEN ONE IS WITHOUT ANY SORT OF CREATIVE BONE IN ONE'S BODY! Don't be tellin' me how to run my empire from beyond the grave, cray-zee ol' coot! Jeebus knows I get enough of that from the nay-sayers.

[Knightofthelight]: Luck then.

[Lenne]: I like Machiavelli. Some wonderful quotes.

[WackyCaptain]: As do I. Mayhaps I have mis-stated my standing. He's a keen dude, but we're trying to come up with original ways to conquer the world. Not lift from other authors. Or something to that effect that makes me sound less like a cray-zee pants.

[Geo Y]: Fools there is but only one way to rule the world *brings out a box cover with a sheet* and that’s with *pulls sheet off of box* these kittens. GENETICALLY ALTERED KITTENS OF DOOM!!!*doom echoes* aww their so cute.O_o*notice people staring* um… SO THEY MUST BE EVIL!!!

[Sundrop]: Comments are getting too confusing...Will be cleaning up the wiki and relocating pages within the next few weeks.

[Geo Y]: What you dare mock the GENETICALLY ALTERED KITTENS OF DOOM!!!*doom echoes*

[Lenne]: *Steals GAKoD*

[Quazi]: Hello. I have added my name to the trainees? If that all right? I am unsure what to do?? Instruct me. *Bows humbly* AAAAARRRRR...KITTENS

[Sundrop]: Hurrah! Look at the cleanly-ness

[JinXFoX]: perdy.

[WackyCaptain]: It's so...shiny! Mayhaps a new article shall be written to honor this advance in our technology?! Eh, once my foot is less broken, and the painkillers have left, I'll get right on that!

[Sundrop]: Ooh what a great idea oh co-creator! lol...I stepped on a knife the other day...But I think that may be better than getting broken. Maybe.

[Alrika]: you people should go to *sniff sniff* great list.... oh yeah also go here

[JinXFoX]: Is anyone here in need of the services of a monkey butler?

[JinXFoX]: Ä_Ä

[Quazi]: How did you delete all the comments? I need to do that.

[Pnelma Tirian]: Mwaha! I am a desperate unemployed artist willing to work long, fruitless hours on meaningless pictures for the evil of mankind!

[Sundrop]: @Pnelma Tirian Oooh Is this a employee offer?

[Quazi]: OOooh..............

[Pnelma Tirian]: DAMN STRAIGHT!!!! =D

[Eugenidies]: -looks for a 'taking over the world' theme song-

[Eugenidies]: We need a banner....I went ahead and made my own temporary one. If there was a place to post banners, I'd post it. Feel free to grab it from my home if you want the thing. (took me only about half a minute, yes it's crap)

[Sundrop]: LOL! It's better than the one I made in about half a minute! Let me make you a spot in the wiki for it. ^^

[Eugenidies]: YAY! I am glad that you like it.

[Eugenidies]: Any one heard the song "When you're Evil" by Voltaire? :) I think I'll make it my evil theme song. "And it's so easy when you're evil!"


[Sundrop]: I just found the song so I can listen to it. ^^ I like the violin soloist! Thanks for the reference!

[The Scarlet Pumpernickle]: yay for Queen! Bohemian Rapsody rocks!

[The Scarlet Pumpernickle]: hey people! why no talk? :P

[Sundrop]: ^^; Because School started up again, unfortunately. I'm being loaded down with work. *plots to take over the school* >.<

[Cina]: Uh..wackycaptain? may I join your quest for world domination? I can um..cook dinner for you while you're out conquerin'

[Eugenidies]: Hmmm...I...I mean we should take out schools in a part of plan, that way in the future, every kid will thank us, yet will never be smart enough to overthrow us.

[Sundrop]: B) You know they would. We would totally dominate. Then, we would train some of the brighter ones to follow on in our footsteps.

[Sundrop]: I'm dead serious when I say that all people who delete wikis must go down.

[Davorah]: Fixed! ^_^ Have a nice day! I'll deal with this punk who messed up your wiki... ^_^

[Sundrop]: Thanks a million Gaia-Selaria!! ^^

[Davorah]: hehe no problem! just doing my duty to bring on the justice for all! ^_^ *dons her red cape, sticks her arms straight out if front of her and runs very fast, pretending that she's flying away* ^.^ Whoosh!

[Erata]: I want to be Mr. Tinkles from "Cats and Dogs" :))

[nokaredes]: I'll do some stuff for this wiki as long as you don't mind that I'll be in the hospital for two weeks...

[Sundrop]: Ooooh! *likes the quiz* :P

[kmnkmlkwgtf]: I like the quiz too....but why is it only made for guys!? I'm an evil genius who is going to rule the world.....ok I'm evil and I'm going to rule the world. Being female no one will suspect me. MHA HA HA HA!

[bluepluto51]: There was a book called the CAST OF SHADOWS by Cramer D. Alocost that was all about world domination. Sort of a political thing though. You/yall might want to read it sometime. Its pretty good.

[Sundrop]: I'll have to get my hands on a copy of it. Thanks for the tip, [bluepluto51]

[kay-chan]: *giggles* Evil Villain’s Drinking Game. I is evil!

[The Luggage]: Good day fellow evil doers. I'm looking for a new lackey. I left my old one in my evil lair for half an hour while I poisoned the hero. When i got back it was to find he'd cleaned all the windows. It took me ages to get them like that! So i burnt him, as was suggested in this very wiki. But now i need a new lackey to dirty my windows. Any volenteers?

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